Thursday, February 1, 2007

Ah...a hoped for revelation

I have been paying attention to what 
appeals to me..and 
gardening type things have
 made an appearance. is a surprise and
 a revelation.
How silly to realize only now that I like..

and bugs
and old iron gardening tools

Another revelation:

I tend to joke that I am lazy.
I'm not.

I tend to actually work like 
a dog all day long.

I am also very duty 
bound, especially to my family.

I realized this morning
 that one reason that I don't 
do alot more experimenting ,
is that there
often isn't time.
Yeah..I would love to knit up
some of the intarsia charts that
I have made. I would love to
play with some new techniques
in paint.
I would love to finish that mural
on my bathroom wall.

But the girls needed mittens,
Bill needs his grey sweater...
and before that his balaclava.
The cat would love a bed.
I have a deadline for three portraits
of people I don't know.

Except for the cat, I like to make
things that the user will visually enjoy.
Not necessarily something that
I want to make.
I mean come and grey?
Only if there is a
really BRIGHT RED-ORANGE poppie involved.
But for inspires my sense of duty.
And I will knit the sweater first.

By the way...what exactly is with
all the partially
finished projects, and ready to
wear sewn items out there?
I understand in production,
they can really lower the price
of a garment by skimping on the finishing.
But in DIY projects...
How could someone be ok
with not hemming their skirt?
Why is it ok now to leave threads
dangling, and have sloppy stitching?

There is a reason I dont show much that I sew.
I am not all that great at sewing.
But lately, I have seen expensive clothes that even I
could have put together nicer than they are!

What ever happened to pride in one's work?

And you can go ahead and get really angry with me for saying
this because you never hem your skirts and you're ok
with it, and who am I to say it's bad..

This blog is for me to decide what I like or do not like..
opinion is an integral part of taste and style.
I am saying it's not for me, and that I, personally don't get it.
If you adore that look..go for it.
I just ...well..I have a history of issues about how things were done
in my home while growing up.
My Mother would rather be shot in the head than to actually
read about how to do something correctly.
The woman once tried to build a deck without a plan.
And not just a rectangular shaped one.
Not only did she have no plans....she had no
knowledge of tools, wood, hardware, didn't make any
measurements( yes..she tried
to "eyeball" the entire project) get the picture.
We had a real mess in about three weeks.
That's how long she held out with this idea.
She gets angry with me and thinks I knit pick
when I want to make a measurement.
With my freehand and freestyle approach to everything, I am
not far behind her.
But I really do try to have some solid knowledge of
technique to back up my "wing it" attitude.
I have learned that many things in life are made by "formula"
or "recipe".
It is the details that make it your own.
So I figure..better be sure to have a good solid formula.
For me, finishing a raw edge,etc is part of that formula.

So there ya go.

Duty, pride...and gardening.

All a part how I their own ways.

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